Disconnection exercise is a strategy of collecting debts from customers. The exercise starts as from 16th of each month in consideration of age and amount due.
Non-payment of water may lead to service disconnection at the premises of MTUWASA customers. However, services may be disconnected at the customer premises if he/she did not pay the bill timely, tempering with water meter, illegal connections, and by pass.
You are advised to timely pay your water bills. The services shall be disconnected at your premises without further notice as a result of outstanding/pending water bills.
You are advised to provide accurate and correct address/phone numbers for delivering water bills.
A customer who fails to settle his/her bill within the stipulated time will be subject to disconnection.
Leakage on service line, which is not repaired, will also be subject to a disconnection.
Any individual found consuming water illegally shall be disconnected and subject to legal action which includes: - A penalty up to Tshs. 15,000,000/=
Gharama za uwakala (agency fees-20%)
Once an account has been disconnected, reconnection will only be made under the following condition.
For non-payment: On settlement of the defaulted amount in full or on signing an installment payment agreement with the MTUWASA plus a reconnection fee of Tshs.20, 000 or 30,000/= or 40,000/= according to the category of the customer.
For damaged meter: Upon payment for meter replacement.
For illegal connection/reconnection: Upon payment of the penalties.
For leakages/bursts on a service line: After the repairs have been fully affected.